Monday, July 1, 2013

Minimize the Stress of your Vacation Planning

In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s easy to indulge workaholic tendencies and to forget to take the time to step back, breathe, and recharge the batteries. When we do take time, often it’s precious little, and every moment of it becomes so vital we can over think and overstress the planning of what should be a worry free, fun, and exciting escape from the norm.

Recently we came across an article that we wanted to share to help you create some good vacation juju. The article’s author, Jason W. Womack, offers three key ideas to help you on your way to a stress free traveling and vacation experience:

1. “Appreciate what you have.”- It’s easy for us to spot and focus on the things that are going wrong, but instead, Womack suggests that we try to see all of the things that are working out and build some kind of a “check-in” system. Whenever your vacation planning starts to feel overwhelming, pause a moment to appreciate what you already have accomplished.

2. “Practice being present.”- Start taking away some of the stress of traveling before you even get in the car or board that plane. Especially for families with young kids, the task of getting to your vacation can be even more overwhelming than the planning process. Take some time with the family (or your traveling buddies) and really listen to one another and try to only focus on the present moment.

3. “Reprioritize your objectives.”- The author writes that it can make a significant difference to not just focus on the end result, but to look at the bigger picture; and by doing this you will be better able to identify your priorities. Womack suggests that you “ask yourself, “What do I want this year to be known for?”

We hope these tips help take away some of the stress of planning your next getaway, and when you’re ready, give us a call and we’ll help you check another item off that bucket list!

by Vanessa Therrien

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