Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fall Into Grand Canyon River Rafting!

Kids are back to school, the weather is getting chillier, and the 2012 rafting season will soon be coming to an end. Fall is definitley upon us but it's still not too late to book a one day motorized trip or a non-motorized multi-day rafting trip for this year and it is the best time to start planning for 2013!

Rafting in September-October can be a gorgeous time to be in the canyon with fair , mostly clear weather and the changing fall colors. Cooler temperatures can allow for longer trips and longer side canyon hiking opportunties that just aren't possible in hot summer weather, and if you're looking to beat the crowds or just a smaller group size, now is definitely the time to go.You can have the trip of a lifetime, however it is important to remember that the Grand Canyon is a place of extremes. In the course of one day you can experience a multitude of weather conditions so the key to your overall enjoyment of the trip no matter what time of year you go is your level of preparation and overall sense of adventure!

No matter what time of year you raft in the Grand Canyon, the river is always between 45 degrees and 55 degrees fahrenheit as it is coming from the bottom of Lake Powell and the water has never seen the light of day. September and October are generally mild months weather wise, but the biggest mistake people make when rafting this time of year is under dressing.

If the morning is chilly, start off wearing layers of warm, quick drying clothing such as fleece and don't forget a waterproof, two piece rain suit! You'll appreciate the protection from the elements as you splash and ride through those chilly rapids. As the day warms you will have plenty of opportunities to de-layer and it is always better to pack something and not need it than not to pack it and end up wishing you had! For pictures and examples of the type of river gear to buy, we recommend visiting our Rivers & Oceans Outfitters store via the link on our main page.

Happy Rafting!